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We are currently developing a programme of activities that will prevent, or delay, frailty or cardiovascular health issues by getting the inactive, active.

In addition to the new activities being offered by our Active Lifestyles Team, we will work with community groups, parish/town councils and charities to provide local solutions.

Closing date for new applications: 31 March 2024. (Please note that this is the closing date for applications only. Activities funded can continue beyond this date.)

To that aim we are inviting innovative, sustainable proposals from organisations that will prevent, or delay, frailty or cardiovascular health issues whilst holding to the principles of Do - Enable - Influence, in line with the Corporate Plan 2023 - 28 [PDF, 2MB].

View the information sheet [PDF, 1.5MB].

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Activities that make the inactive, active. You can work with us in three ways to help us deliver prevention activities.

  1. Become a delivery partner - run the activity yourself

  2. Be a host for an activity run by our Active Lifestyles team

  3. Identify residents who could attend existing or new activities run by our Active Lifestyles team.

Where? We are particularly interested in activities that are held deep inside communities and are easily accessible. Please check that what you are offering is not already available in your area.
When? Consider the time you are offering your activity. Make sure it is a time that suits most of the people you are targeting (for example, organising a dad's football club during a weekday when most are at work won't be suitable).

All activities/offers need to be sufficiently targeted and measurable, including:

  • showing clear impact and outcomes for residents

  • demonstrating how it has supported closer collaboration and partnership working

  • showing how the budget has been spent and a demonstrable return on investment

  • creating case studies of the benefit of the project from the user's perspective

  • being able to provide an analysis of unsuccessful projects outlining any contributing factors to this

  • sharing any learning for future initiatives.

Who? For Huntingdonshire residents who are identified as at risk of becoming frail or developing cardiovascular disease. Your proposal must work with one of these groups and address one or more of the issues highlighted.

What is frailty?

NHS England describes frailty as a loss of resilience that means people don't bounce back quickly after a physical or mental illness, an accident or other stressful event.

The Rockwood Frailty Scale is commonly used by NHS Trusts and as an accredited data tool for the evaluation of frailty. For the purpose of this programme, we are interested in residents at risk of becoming frail or more frail (levels 3 and 4).

What is cardiovascular disease?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term for conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels. CVD is one of the main causes of death and disability in the UK, but it can often largely be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle.

People are at greater risk of CVD if they:

  • have diabetes

  • have a family history of heart disease

  • are a smoker

  • are from a black, Asian or minority ethnic background

  • have high blood pressure

  • are over 50, the risk of developing it increases with age

  • have an unhealthy diet

  • drink alcohol to excess

  • have high cholesterol

  • are overweight or obese

  • are inactive.

People who don't exercise regularly are more likely to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and be overweight. Exercising regularly will help keep the heart healthy. When combined with a healthy diet, exercise can also help maintain a healthy weight.