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Every council is required to regularly undertake and complete a review of all polling districts and polling places within its administrative boundary at least once every four years. The last full review was completed in 2019. A new review must take place within 16 months of October 2023. It is prudent to undertake the review early to ensure readiness for a potential short notice Parliamentary Election.

Accessibility of elections and the Elections Act 2022

New requirements and guidance on the accessibility of elections were introduced as part of the Elections Act 2022. As a result of these new rules the Council is in the process of undertaking a full audit of the accessibility of our preferred polling stations around the district.

Where polling stations are not fully accessible, there may be on occasion an alternative to be available. In these circumstances the Council and Returning Officer ensure that additional time and effort is undertaken to work with polling station staff to ensure we offer fair access to our elections for all voters.

Review timetable

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Action Date
Formal consultation commences 2 October 2023
End of formal consultation 27 November 2023
Outcome report taken to Corporate Governance Committee (CGC) 24 January 2024
Recommendations of CGC to Council 21 February 2024
Republish register of electors of affected polling districts 1 March 2024

The consultation period closed on 27 November 2023. The review timetable above sets out the timeline for approval of a revised schedule of polling districts and polling places.