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This could be town/parish or wider district depending on who is applying. If a town/parish council is applying for a project in their town/parish, then this will be their area. If it is a larger infrastructure provider, for example NHS or HDC, this would more likely be a wider area covering a number of parishes or the whole district.

Grant agreement

This is the legal agreement that will be signed between HDC and the organisation applying.

What can CIL be spent on?

The Planning Practice Guidance for CIL states that ‘the levy can be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure, including transport, flood defences, schools, hospitals, and other health and social care facilities (for further details, see section 216(2) of the Planning Act 2008, and regulation 59, as amended by the 2012 and 2013 Regulations).

This definition allows the levy to be used to fund a very broad range of infrastructure such as play areas, open spaces, parks and green spaces, cultural and sports facilities, healthcare facilities, academies and free schools, district heating schemes and police stations and other community safety facilities. This flexibility gives local areas the opportunity to choose what infrastructure they need to deliver their relevant plan (the Development Plan and the London Plan in London). Charging authorities may not use the levy to fund affordable housing.

Local authorities must spend the levy on infrastructure needed to support the development of their area, and they will decide what infrastructure is needed.

The levy can be used to increase the capacity of existing infrastructure or to repair failing existing infrastructure, if that is necessary to support development.’

Organisation status

Please state whether the applicant is a company, charity, incorporated association etc and provide the full name and address and registered number. Clubs and groups with no legal status of their own must declare this in this section and confirm the name(s) of the grant applicant and names and addresses of persons to be joined to any grant agreement if the application is successful.

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