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We are a CIL Charging Authority and have a statutory duty in regard to this. Any paperwork should be emailed to

All payments can be made by Bacs on our Payments page.

What is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows local planning authorities to raise funds from new development. The money raised is used to fund district-wide and local infrastructure projects that benefit local communities as set out in Section 216 (2) of the Planning Act 2008.

The charges are based on the size and type of development and can be viewed in the CIL Charging Schedule [PDF, 1.5MB].

Section 106 agreements and planning conditions also continue to be used for local infrastructure requirements on development sites for things such as site-specific local provision of open space, affordable housing, habitat protection and access roads. Section 106 planning obligations are legally binding agreements entered into by persons with an interest in a piece of land (often a developer) secured by a legal agreement or deed. For large scale major developments (200 units or above), further obligations could apply.

The principle is that all eligible developments must pay towards CIL, as well as any site-specific requirement that is secured through Section 106 Agreements. The Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document [PDF, 2MB] was adopted in December 2011 and sets out our policy for collecting Section 106 obligations.

View the updated costs [PDF, 0.2MB] [PDF, 0.3MB].

More information and guidance about CIL is available on the Planning Practice Guidance website.