Notice is given that on 17 September 2024, Huntingdonshire District Council as the Licensing Authority received a request for a review of the Premises Licence for:
Huntingdon Pool and Snooker Club, St Benedict Court, Huntingdon, PE29 3PN.
On the grounds of:
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
Public Safety
The Protection of Children from Harm.
Anyone wishing to make representations concerning this application [PDF, 0.7MB] should do so to:
Huntingdonshire District Council, Licensing Section, Pathfinder House, St. Mary's Street, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 3TN.
Representations in respect of this application must reach the Licensing Authority by 15 October 2024.
Persons wishing to inspect the register, or the record of this application may do so by attending the office of the Licensing Section, during office hours, Monday to Friday inclusive.